Friday 20 January 2017

Logo Redesign – When and Why Your Company Needs Rebranding

Okay…how many times you have come across a brand logo that made you scratch your head and think, what did it mean?
It is easy to find poorly designed logos out there and there is a reason for that. Creating a great logo is challenging though.
Your logo must be the perfect representation of your brand, it must be recognizable, unique, simple and memorable enough. An effective logo design is not simply a design, it must reflect your brand vision through the use of fonts, shapes, colors. It is highly recommended to not follow the hot design trends blindly that may make you redesign sooner than later.
If your business is thinking for a new logo concept or a complete logo redesign, there are a few considerations you must take into account. By putting a bit of time, investment and efforts up front to create an effective logo design, you will ensure a design outcome that has more staying power and can complement your brand’s vision.
This was orginally posted by Dubai Monsters:

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